Monday, June 29, 2009

Balancing Act and Setting Goals

This is the first sentence of my first blog. As in my life, I have a lot to say but struggle with focusing on one thing at a time. Like many of you who might be reading this (I hope someone is reading this) I have a lot of balls in the air. But besides my family, art, painting and design are my passion. And I let a lot of other things go just so I can paint.

I have set a goal. By the end of summer vacation I want to have completed 10 new designs/paintings. Recently I wrote down my ideas and organized the concepts in groups. And I have a few drawings started.

I am experimenting with new techniques and process.

And I have stocked up on canvas.

As I go through the process of creating new designs, I will share my progress and let you in on snippets of what I’m working on or show you where I get some of my inspiration. In the mean time please become a facebook fan, add me as an etsy favorite and stay tuned.